Beautiful Rope Tornado

Tornadoes come in all shapes and sizes. Some are long and slender, while others are massive and cone-like. However, they all share one thing in common. These tornadoes are all capable of decimating roofs and whole buildings. If your roof…

Should You Buy a Salvage Car?

Cars are expensive. It may seem like an impossible feat to get your dream car. However, there is a way to get high-end cars for relatively cheap. This can be done by purchasing a salvage car. You can get all…

Unusual Gravestones

Most people will be buried in a cemetery when they die. They will likely have a gravestone with some nice saying or quotation on it. However, some gravestones have proved to be very mysterious. Video Source In this video, you…

Worst Police Sketch Ever?

Police sketch artists have an important job. They take the descriptions given by witnesses and turn them into a sketch that police can use to help identify the suspect. In this video, you will see what might be the worst…

Why You Dont Want to Get Electrocuted

Electrocution is no joke. In fact, electrocution is a combination of the words “electric” and “execution.” In other words, this means death by electricity. The lesser extent of this word is electric shock. Most of us have felt some level…

Craziest Swimming Pools

Who doesn’t love taking a dip in the pool after a long day. Pools can come in many shapes and sizes. Some may even be at exotic locations. In this video, you will learn about some of the most fascinating…

Demolitions Gone Brutally Wrong

When buildings are to be demoed, a lot of precision and calculation must go into the process. One small mistake can result in costly mistakes. This is why it is so important to choose a reputable demo company for any…