Your product packaging is your first first impression.
Yes, even before your digital marketing strategy and even before your catchy slogan. When a customer is browsing the aisle and wondering how to save a few dollars this week, it’s through the power of your packaging are you able to get them to a snap decision. An acute combination of color, text placement, and the design of your logo will determine whether or not you’ve made a customer for life. If you have even the faintest shred of doubt about your ability to inspire action, continue reading. Coffee bag labels and pet food packaging for dogs all follow the same design principles.
Let’s talk packaging basics, popular industries, and how good design helps everyone get what they need at the end of the day.
Coffee And Tea Are Still Crazy Popular
Everyone has a drink they just can’t seem to get through the day without (sans water, of course). Coffee and tea remain the most common and beloved drinks, able to be enjoyed hot, cold, or blended. A recent study found 55% of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every day. In fact, one survey gauging productivity and drinking habits found 45% of American workers admitting coffee helps them stay productive. Taking another look at your coffee packaging bags is a smart move in an industry that only gets bigger by the minute.
Medical Marijuana Is A Growing Niche
Should you be considering another niche that can still yield impressive profit, look no further than medical marijuana. Thanks to legalization thousands of businesses have cropped up to meet demand. Custom cannabis packaging is an area you can take advantage of now to stand out amid the competition. An illuminating study found six out of 10 Americans stating the use of marijuana should be legalized, reflecting a steady change that’s been building for decades. Cannabis bags can range from minimalist to flavorful, depending on the mood you want to inspire.
Pet Food Packaging Should Be Very Clear
One area that can trip businesses up is being too convoluted. It’s tempting to put as much information as possible on your custom pet food packaging, but this runs the risk of overwhelming the viewer. Pet food packaging for dogs is a particular area that benefits from being upfront and simple, to put customers at ease even as they learn more about what’s going into their pets. A study asking shoppers their thoughts on today’s marketing found 85% stating their purchase decisions are informed by reading. Make sure every little bit matters.
Packaging Design Should Be Bold And Flavorful
Whether you’re designing coffee bags wholesale or pet food packaging for dogs, your design is better off favoring a ‘less is more’ approach. A 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study discovered 25% of today’s customers find packaging a very important aspect to their overall customer service experience. The same study revealed 60% of customers today — and potentially more — try out a new product because of the design of your bag. Imagine the avenues you could open up with a new approach!
Reach Out To A Graphic Design Professional
It’s important to admit where you’re coming up short so you can stop wasting time and start making money. Packaging design is a careful blend of several visual and text-related cues to get across as much information as possible at a glance. Businesses that pay very close attention to packaging design report a 30% average increase in consumer interest. This can be a complex action, like redesigning your logo. It can also be relatively simple, like swapping out your pre-existing design for a new color scheme.
Give off the best possible first impression. Reach out to a graphic designer that can bring out the best in your pet food packaging for dogs.