If you will be entertaining during the holidays, you would do well to prepare ahead of time and get everything looking nice. A holiday brunch is a great idea to both entertain your guests and feed them well at the same time. If you’re looking for some ideas on how to set up, then this video is for you. In this video, you will learn how to decorate and arrange furniture and food so that guests have a good experience.
Taking the time to set up properly will help create an atmosphere that is ideal for the holidays and get your guests in the mood for the season. The video suggests using your couch as seating during the meal. You can use pillows and a table cloth to make the area look nice. Be sure to clean everything before you begin. Decorating is an art form that will make your guests feel a certain way, so don’t overlook even the smallest detail. For example, you can fold the tablecloth strategically around the table to hide the ugly legs if you’re using a folding table. If you have Christmas or other holiday decorations, be sure to get them out!